The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) accused Delhi Lieutenant Governor (LG) Vinai Kumar Saxena and the BJP of conspiring to kill Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in Tihar Jail, where he has been lodged since his arrest on March 21 by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with the excise policy scam case.
Addressing a press conference here on Sunday, AAP Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh said, “The medical report of Arvind Kejriwal is enough to corroborate that anything can happen to him at any time in the jail and the way Delhi LG and BJP are making false statements about the AAP chief’s health confirms our doubt…”
The AAP leader further said that the leak of the medical report reflects attempt to murder and that they would take legal advice in this matter. “If a person’s health is deteriorating and the LG and jail administration are leaking his medical report, it would be construed as an attempt to murder. We will take legal advice in this matter and demand prosecution of those involved in the conspiracy,” he added.
The accusations have stemmed from a letter written by the Delhi LG’s Office to the state chief secretary alleging “wilful consumption of low calorie intake” by Kejriwal in jail.
The Delhi LG’s letter, Singh alleged, was part of the conspiracy to kill Arvind Kejriwal. “The same LG, chief secretary, jail administration and BJP, who were reluctant to give Insulin to Arvind Kejriwal, are now complaining that he is not taking Insulin. Will anyone believe this?” he asked.
The AAP leader called for immediate measures to ensure the safety and health of Kejriwal.
The AAP urged the authorities to take the matter seriously and act swiftly to prevent any eventuality.