Rajya Sabha Chairman M. Venkaiah Naidu on Wednesday suspended 6 MPs of the Trinamool Congress from the house for a day. They include Dola Sen, Nadimul Haque, Arpita Ghosh, Mausam Noor, Shanta Chhetri and Abir Ranjan Biswas.
The chairman named them at the beginning of the proceedings and said, “The MPs who are in the well and holding placards are named and should leave the house.”
The MPs have been suspended for the day.
The opposition said that the government wants to create a rift amongst the opposition parties but they are united. Congress MP Jairam Ramesh said, “Opposition is united in spite of Modi Govt’s efforts to break the unity. We demand first a discussion on the Pegasus scandal and its impact on national security with a reply by the Home Minister. Then repeal of the 3 black farm laws with a discussion on farmers’ concerns.”
The opposition MPs demanded a discussion on the Pegasus issue but the Chairman rejected the demand. The opposition has alleged that the government was undermining Parliament.