Two days after Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa won the floor test in the Assembly by voice vote, Vishweshwar Hegde Kageri was on Wednesday elected as the new Karnataka Legislative Assembly Speaker.
Kageri is a six-time BJP MLA from Sirsi. He was elected as the Speaker unopposed.
Vishweshwar Hegde Kageri has served as the Minister for Primary and Secondary Education in the Yediyurappa government in 2008.
Soon after Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa won the confidence motion on Monday, Speaker KR Ramesh Kumar tendered his resignation. He submitted the letter of resignation to the deputy speaker.
“I have decided to relieve myself from this office…I have decided to resign,” Ramesh Kumar had said before handing over his resignation letter to the Deputy Speaker Krishna Reddy.
After failing the floor test on the confidence motion he moved on July 18 during the 10-day monsoon session to prove he had the majority, former CM of the Congress-JD(S) coalition government HD Kumaraswamy resigned on July 23.
The 14-month-old Congress-JD(S) government lost the trust vote by 105-99 in the House almost after three weeks of intense power struggle in the state.
17 legislators — 12 from Congress, three from JD(S) and two Independents — had pulled out of the coalition government and pledged support to the BJP.