Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said on Tuesday that more than 500 sportspersons from Uttar Pradesh, who have participated in International and national championships, will be absorbed into the state police force and other administrative departments of the state government soon.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the five-day 71st All India Police Athletics Cluster Championship held at PAC Ground, which will conclude on March 25, Yogi said that the Government is taking the programme forward so that the sports persons could inspire the youth to engage in positive and constructive activities while maintaining a sound physical and mental health.
He said: “I express my gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah for giving UP an opportunity to hold this championship. The event is taking place in the state after a gap of 10 years. I am also glad that the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), which is performing its duty on India’s borders with Nepal and Bhutan very efficiently and with great sensitivity, is one of the organizers of the event. UP shares 560 kilometres of borders with Nepal.”
CM Yogi added that the participation of 1300 sportspersons from 32 districts has taken the championship to a new level this year. “Sports play a vital role in the all round development of a person. Under the leadership of PM Modi, we have seen sports culture develop in the country in the last nine years. Not only has the participation of sportspersons increased in Olympics, Asian Games and Commonwealth Games, but also the winning of medals by the sportspersons has gone up.”
CM Yogi pointed out: “It shows the capability of a nation. Sports not only helps us to stay healthy physically and mentally, but also inspires us to deal with difficult situations more effectively. It gives birth to healthy competition and healthy tradition.”
Yogi informed that around 2000-2500 sportspersons are getting associated with sports events in every parliamentary constituency of UP with Sansad Khel Mahotsava. “The Government is also building sports grounds in villages, mini stadiums in blocks and stadiums in districts along with sports colleges. a programme to give sports kits to Yuva Mangal Dal and Mahila Mangal Dal is going on war-footing as well”, he remarked further.