Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav on Friday said that 5.5 crore saplings would be planted across the state under the ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ campaign, which will be launched on 6 July.
Addressing a meeting to review the preparations for the grand programme aimed at conserving the environment, Dr Yadav said that a resolution has been taken to plant 51 lakh saplings in the Indore district.
It is also aimed to plant 12 lakh saplings in one day across the Bhopal district. About 350 sites have been selected for plantation in Bhopal. The target is to plant saplings across a total area of 480 hectares.
On July 6, as part of an extensive plantation drive in Bhopal, 12 lakh saplings will be planted in one day. Saplings will be planted not only in Bhopal city but across the entire Bhopal district.
The CM said that the tree planting campaign would be launched from Bhopal on 6 July, the birth anniversary of nationalist thinker, educationist, and founder of Bharatiya Jan Sangh, Dr Syama Prasad Mukherjee.
Dr Yadav said that it is commendable to engage the youth in the plantation campaign and educate them about the importance of the environment. He directed officials concerned to take steps to connect students with their heritage.