Himachal Pradesh’s Chamba district was rocked by a low intensity earthquake, measuring 4.6 on the Richter scale, on Thursday. No loss of life was reported.
The earthquake was recorded at 3.45 pm, the Meteorological office said, while adding that the tremors were felt for a few seconds. Details are still awaited.
Earlier in the day, a 4.0 magnitude earthquake shook Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand. No damage to life and property has been reported so far.
The tremor was felt in Uttarkashi at 6:12 am, MeT office Director Vikram Singh said.
It had a latitude of 30.8 North and a longitude of 78.2East. Its depth was 10 km.
Singh categorised it as a slight intensity quake which is common in the hills of Uttarakhand.