While thousands of employees lost their jobs last year due to the pandemic, the prospects are not all bleak.
According to a survey conducted by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), around 3.7 million jobs will be up for Indians in the coming five years. Among them, the maximum number of jobs will be available in the Gulf countries.
The jobs which are likely to be available in the Gulf are blue collar jobs, primarily in the healthcare sector and housekeeping.
These include jobs for plumbers, masons and X-ray technicians among others.
According to the study which has been conducted under Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP) with support from World Bank, the maximum number of jobs will be available in the gulf countries. Job hunters in India can vie for 2.13 million jobs in the Gulf Countries.
Interestingly, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the maximum number of people who lost jobs were from Gulf countries. According to the data with Ministry of Skill Development around 30,000 people who lost jobs in the Gulf returned to India.
In addition to Gulf, jobs are likely to be available European countries, Singapore and Canada among others.
In European countries, 0.3 million jobs will be available. Around one million jobs can be acquired in USA, Singapore and Canada.
Workers who are certified by the sector specific skills councils can apply for these jobs. The fee to be paid by the certified workers for applying for these jobs will waived off.
The only condition is that they agree to work at a salary which is less than the salary for the same job.
“This is a condition so that the natives of the other country do not lose their jobs,” said Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Praveen Kumar.
To make these jobs available for the labour force in India, MSDE has executed agreements with countries like U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia. It is in the process of making agreements with countries like Australia, United Kingdom and Japan among others.
“Sectors in which jobs can be availed are identified. Along with the sector, the qualifications that are needed are also studied,” said Kumar. Kumar added that the regulations in the country are kept in mind while doing the mapping.
For instance, Kumar said five sectors and qualifications have been mapped in U.A.E and 83 sectors and qualification have been mapped in U.K.
“A different strategy is required for a different country,” said Kumar.