In an official statement on Wednesday, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) said that it had carried out searches in 13 locations in Delhi linked to AAP MLA Amantullah Khan and his associates under the provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA).
According to the ED, the searches on Tuesday were conducted in the case related to illegal recruitment of staff in Delhi Wakf Board and illegal personal gains by way of unfairly leasing out of Wakf Board Properties while the MLA was chairmain of the board from 2018-2022.
“ED initiated investigation on the basis of FIR registered by CBI under various sections of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and Indian Penal Code, 1860. Further three more FIRs registered by Delhi Police are under investigation by ED as the role of Amantullah Khan and his associates came into light,” the ED statement said.
The ED investigation has revealed that the MLA acquired huge proceeds of crime out of the said criminal activities in cash which was invested in purchase of various immovable properties in Delhi in the name of his associates.
“During the search proceedings at these premises, several incriminating records and evidences in the form of physical and digital evidences have been seized which indicate the role of Amantullah Khan in the offence of money laundering. Further investigation is under progress,” the statement added.