In an apparent reference to the Balakot airstrike after the Pulwama terror attack, Union Home Minister, Amit Shah said that the entire world now knows that ’10 enemies will be killed if one Indian jawan is martyred’ and under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s watch, India’s national security has strengthened. Shah was addressing a rally at Jat in Maharashtra’s Sangli district on Thursday, to campaign for the BJP for the upcoming assembly elections in the state.
Amit Shah hit out at the National Congress Party (NCP) and Congress Party for opposing the NDA government’s move to abrogate Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir.
“When PM Modi brought the proposal to abrogate Article 370, both Congress and NCP were against it and were revolting against it,” Shah said.
I want Rahul Gandhi and Sharad Pawar to answer to the people of Maharashtra why they were against the removal of Article 370, he added.
“PM Modi recently returned from the United Nations, and the entire world is standing by his decision to abrogate Article 370,” the BJP leader said.
He praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for doing a great job of abrogating Article 370, which granted temporary special status to the state.
In his speech, he asked the NCP chief Sharad Pawar to spell out what work the previous Congress-NCP coalition government did in the state.
On Wednesday, Shah said at a rally in Haryana that the abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir has nothing to do with the politics, but was about national security.
The Maharashtra Assembly elections will be held on October 21 and the results will be announced on October 24.