


Wheatgrass: An incredible drink for a healthy body

Wheatgrass has a high concentration of Vitamin C and Vitamin K. Research suggests that these vitamins support skin healing. Moreover, Vitamin B and Vitamin E in wheatgrass support skin healing and regeneration.

Know the amazing benefits of beetroot juice

Beetroot is a bulbous and sweet root vegetable with which we have a love-hate kind of relationship. But despite this, Beetroot has risen to the status of a superfood in the past few years. As per researchers, Beetroot juice is very good for health.

Study finds nurses have sleeping issues due to work stress, schedules

"Our findings help us better understand the difficulty nurses are facing -- and why some nurses are leaving their jobs or the field altogether -- but also reveal opportunities for hospitals and other employers to support this critical workforce," said Witkoski Stimpfel.

Depression in pregnancy can be predicted by blood markers: Study

"Our findings are an exciting development and an important first step toward using these types of methods more widely to help patients. Our next steps include replicating the results in additional patient samples to verify cut-offs for depression risk," Achtyes.