Empowering women through literature
Empowerment is a cornerstone for enabling women to realise their full potential, make informed decisions and actively participate in all aspects of society.
International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on March 8 to mark and celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and raise awareness about women’s equality, accelerate gender parity.
International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on March 8 to mark and celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and raise awareness about women’s equality, accelerate gender parity.
Here are some women who have excelled in their respective fields and are an inspiration for every woman out there.
Grace Muivah, Brand Head AMPM, and OMO, Bright Hospitality Pvt Ltd: Every woman’s achievement should be a motivation to others. We, as a community, are the greatest example to motivate each other and learn from our small joys in life. We are phoenixes who can evolve out of our own ashes. When we talk about the concept of women’s empowerment, it is subjective. It is assumed that only a financially independent woman is empowered, but to me, a woman from any strata is empowered when she has a vision for herself and has the courage to build a community that influences people to make the right decisions for a better living. Over the past few years, women achievers have proven their endurance to stand tall against the barriers and have sailed through them with shining colours by even hitting the Bar stock market. Give a small opportunity to a woman, she will turn it into a realm of prospects. This Women’s Day, Let’s pledge to make ourselves stronger and empowered, to achieve newer heights, not just for our sisterhood but for the upliftment of the entire human race.
Preety Saroj, Head of People, Novo, India: As women continue to represent a near-equal ratio of the workforce in various roles across industries due to the ongoing efforts around addressing Gender disparity, focus on D&I and the likes, yet the success of Women’s entrepreneurship is a little behind entrepreneurship by their male counterparts owing to social, economic & cultural barriers coming along their way such as family responsibility, lurking self-doubt of “Can I Do It”, lack of funding, guidance, mindset change, and an overall acceptance. The time is just conducive for Women entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship in general to blossom like never before. All that is needed to overcome the barriers is a little more encouragement, awareness, faith and promote Women entrepreneurs with ventures of every shape and size.
As they say, when you invest in women, you target economic growth as you are investing in their leagues, backgrounds, and the country as a whole. Picking and addressing a few but major constraints such as “underrepresentation” and another as basic as the conviction to “get started”, it’s important for local as well as government authorities in some capacity to participate in profiling and promoting success stories of some Women entrepreneur role models with different business models and size of revenue as part of the information available for reference to many-be it through print, media, TV, radio, offline awareness campaigns, etc. This will narrow the gap and draw the confidence in many budding women entrepreneurs of their capabilities, and also help project the underrepresented entrepreneurs.
Kiran Dham is the CEO of Globus Infocom Ltd: According to Kiran, “ Being a Woman has never been a hindrance in my contributions and leadership. I just believed in myself and have been consistent in my efforts and learning has never stopped for me. I try to become a better version of myself each day and pass this on to my team and the work culture.
We have deeply and extensively worked on providing Quality solutions that are user-friendly and transform the teaching and learning experience. Technology has become an integral part of education and Immersive and experiential learning is trying its way forward. We have many solutions like Digital Language Labs, Online learning solutions, Digital Teaching Solutions, Learn on Tab Solutions, Collaborative Conferencing Solutions, and many other offerings. 21 years in the industry but we are still young and feel have a long way to go and would continuously try to make a difference and contribute our bit towards the society.
Meha Bhargava, Founder, and CEO, Styl.Inc: Success is when you’ve reached the top, entrepreneurs are always striving to do better every day. Regardless of your definition of success, what you get out of your business is personal satisfaction, financial gain, stability, and happiness.
Image Consulting was a very nouveau field when I started in August 2012. Its parallel to Fashion Styling and its manifold elements in grooming a person physically and mentally struck a chord with me and I knew it was my calling, hence followed my training and establishing my own company. We had our share of struggling to educate the masses on what we actually did, but slowly the market is warming up to us and now we help people from all walks of life, giving them a sense of confidence in the way they dress and in return how they feel, act and how others react to them.
Similarly Wedding Styling, our new vertical is also something at a nascent stage, but we are trying to make this concept known and helping people style and dress better for their big day!