Arielle Egozi has 9000 followers on Linkedln and as soon as she posted her profile, Arielle’s post amassed over 8,000 reactions and more than 1500 comments. So what was special in the post that got her such a widespread following? It was her work profile as ‘a sex worker’ that got people hooked to her LinkedIn- an employment-oriented online service, and people are liking this trend.
In her profile Egozi explains that ‘sex work’ is her primary job and that is what she wanted to put forth for people to know about her profession. Her LinkedIn profile says, “I left an in-house job with fancy benefits two weeks ago and the reason I could do that was sex work. I had just enough saved from selling and engaging my image that I could ask myself if I was happy. I wasn’t. Yeah, the few grand I’d stashed up over time helped, but the biggest reason I could walk away is that sex work shows me what my power can do when I own it intentionally.”
Through her profile, she elaborates upon her experiences, pain, and hardships as a sex worker, “I have no problem taking rejections from those that don’t want to pay it because I charge what emotional labor is required right into the fee. I set and hold boundaries, and engage only in ways that are safe, playful, and abundant for me. I don’t waste my time with anything less (sic).”
Interestingly she is getting wide (praise) for setting a trend and breaking the stereotype and setting new benchmarks in “breaking the taboo which comes with working in the sex industry”. Egozi’s experience included being self-employed with sex work and the duration that she has been doing it has been mentioned in her LinkedIn profile.
One of the social media users wrote in the comments section, “We talk about women’s rights in the context of abortion but we don’t see much talk about the right of a woman to use her body (physically or graphically) to earn income (sic).”
Another internet user showed support to Egozi by writing, “Sex work IS real work and a great paying one at that! We shouldn’t minimize the value of those who take it on as work whether full time or a hustle; just because sex is considered a practice that “should be free” (sic).”
With inputs from ANI.