STEM edge
Indian STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) graduates have long been a cornerstone of the US H-1B visa programme.
The change in the world of technology is happening at a pace which we have not experienced in the past. Implementation of new cutting-edge technology is moving out from a drawing board stage to being practiced by companies across the world.
As more and more organisations undertake the process of digital transformation to offer tech enabled products or services, information technology roles and skills is undergoing radical shifts, something which we are already observing. This will affect the tech job scenario as we move into 2018 and beyond.
In-demand IT roles have started to shift towards including positions focused on advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and the Internet of Things along with exciting positions within cyber security, cloud computing and network technology.
Through these observations we have identified the following as some of the key job roles companies require as they transform their businesses and processes for the future:
Cybersecurity analyst: This individual will manage risk for organisations through use of relevant tools and techniques to gather vital end-point and network host data with the goal of identifying vulnerabilities.
Network engineer: This role will encompass coordinating between cloud and traditional networking resources to make a business’s communicate efficiently. They will need to know how to map technical network elements to a company’s business needs.
Vulnerability assessment manager: The role of a penetration tester has matured. Today’s pen tester does more than hack a server or use fancy security tools. Today’s pen tester takes a responsible approach and conducts strong, comprehensive tests to identify — and correct — unacceptable risks.
Technical support specialist: Gone are the days when the help desk professional fixed PCs. The world needs more tech support specialists than ever before — today’s tech support engineer helps manage increasingly complex issues involving data management, authentication and network troubleshooting, among many other things.
Machine learning engineer: Machine learning use sophisticated programming such as R and Python to develop AI machines and systems that can learn and apply knowledge to perform tasks. These professionals will also work with complex datasets and algorithms to convert machines to intelligent machines.
Network analysts: Businesses are investing more heavily in their networks as IoT is fast becoming critical to manufacture tech-enabled products. A growing number of “things” need to be connected in an efficient way, and that’s going to be a major driver of demand there.
Network analysts in the coming years will combine their technical skill set with an understanding of how to apply it to provide real-time trending information on network traffic.
Cloud engineer: Almost all businesses are mobbing their on-prem systems to cloud and are choosing a hybrid approach, with multiple vendors. In the coming years, cloud engineers will need to create solutions which are a mix of multiple technologies.
The writer is regional director and cyber expert, CompTIA India