Birla Industrial and Technological Museum organised The Kolkata District Drama Competition on 27 July at its premises. As many as 13 teams from different schools took part in this unique event that combined both drama and science to spread awareness among all.
The central theme for this year’s competition was “Science and Society” under which there were sub-themes like Clean India: Healthy India, Food Security & Nutrition, Digital India : Power to Empower, Make in India, Life and Works of a Scientist, and Green Energy.
Each team consisted of eight actors, one script writer and one teacher as director. The scripts were in Hindi, English, Bengali and the duration of the acts was 30 minutes.
The plays were judged by Dr Debabrata Chakraborty, Dr Debaprasad Roy, Department of Drama, Rabindra Bharati University, and Dr Kaliprasanna Dhara, Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta. Ek Kadam Swachhta Ki Aur performed by Modern High School for Girls won the title of Best Drama. Teams of Pratt Memorial School and Hariyana Vidya Mandir came second and third respectively.
Soumyajyoti Pal and Neha Paramanick were awarded the titles of best actor and best actress. Hiteshi Ajmera was the best director and Dana Roy best script writer. The winning team will compete with other district winners in the West Bengal State level Science Drama Competition to be held shortly.
The event was a learning experience for the students whose effort was evident in the well written scripts, innovative ideas, colourful costumes and vibrant props.
They put forward their ideas about concerning topics like waste water, digitalisation, and sanitation on the stage with conviction.
(Ex-Calcutta Girls' High School)