Struggling to sleep? Acharya Balkrishna reveals powerful Ayurvedic remedies
Natural remedies like pomegranate leaf infusion can help combat insomnia and promote restful sleep. Discover Ayurvedic solutions for better sleep and improved well-being.
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Nowadays, with the notorious Blue Whale cases coming to light, one cannot help but wonder what goes on in the heads of these innocent teenagers, which makes them knowingly take part in such self-harm inducing activities. It’s incredibly sad to see such young lives taken away at such an early stage when the rest of their lives lie ahead of them and full of potential. These cases, which are increasing day-by-day, prove just one thing. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health.
Many a time mental disorders are looked down upon or trivialised and the person suffering from such a state is made to think that he or she is weak because one is unable to cope with the stress or pressures of life. The fact is that poor mental health is just as bad or maybe even worse than any kind of physical injury. There are many forms of mental problems and medical science has progressed enough to be able to cure, or at least control, nearly all of them.
We, as Indians, need to bring this fact to light and understand the importance of being there for someone, who is suffering. Most cases of depression go unnoticed as the patient is fearful of letting people know of their mental state and decides that bottling it up within is what’s best for everyone. The answer is simple. If you need help, get help. Anyone who feels that they might be suffering, must get oneself checked. It doesn’t harm anyone in just getting a closer look at one’s psyche.
The most important thing these people must know their loved ones are always there for them and they must not hesitate to come out and address what’s on their minds. Expert help is readily available at hand.