Keep the festive feasting going with Patanjali digestives!
Enjoy festive feasting without worry! Discover how Patanjali digestives can support your digestion and keep bloating at bay during celebrations.
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Owing to the increasing pollution problem across the country, the number of people suffering from asthma and other allergy-related problems are also increasing. If you are feeling short of breath, a whistling sound while breathing, chest congestion, frequent cough and cold, fatigued while doing any physical activity or restless sleep, don't ignore these symptoms. Get yourself immediately diagnosed by an immunologist to remove the doubt of asthma.
Asthma is either an acute or a chronic airway disease in which the lungs get inflamed. The swollen airways lead to obstruction in the flow of air while breathing.
The situation may worsen when the symptoms are triggered due to reasons like weather conditions, emotions (stress or excess happiness), respiratory infection, air pollution, dust, eating certain foods to which you are allergic like egg, soy or fish and certain medication. If you have a family history of asthma, you are prone to develop the disease.
Smoking, tobacco chewing, premature birth and obesity may also lead to this life-threatening disease. If your job is such that you are inhaling fumes, gases, dust or other harmful substances then also you may develop asthma. When people suffering from nasal polyps, sneezing and runny nose take aspirin, they may also face breathing problems. The illness can erupt due to any reason but it should be properly diagnosed followed by a proper treatment by an immunologist to manage the condition well.
Although right consultation and treatment by a specialist doctor is mandatory, some natural treatments can also be followed for faster recovery. They are simple to do:
Heat half cup of mustard oil with two-three chunks of camphor for few minutes. Let it get cool. When you feel it comfortably warm, rub it on your chest and back thrice a day.
Crush two garlic cloves. Boil it in half cup of milk for few minutes. Let it cool. Drink every day.
Put four to five drops of eucalyptus oil in a vapouriser. Switch it on. When steam starts coming out, take deep breaths while inhaling the aroma.
Mix two teaspoons of honey in three teaspoons of ginger juice. Soak two teaspoons of dried fenugreek seeds in it overnight. Consume this mixture every morning on an empty stomach.
Soak three pieces of fig in one cup of water overnight. Eat the figs and drink its water on an empty stomach daily.
A few preventive measures are also required to be taken:
Get an allergy test done every six months.
Get immunised for influenza every season.
Stay away from tobacco and smoking.
Stay away from dust, polluted air and any kind of smoke, be it from a fire place or wood burning.
Eat healthy food cooked in minimum oil. Oil is highly injurious for airways.
Do deep breathing exercises daily and inhale fresh air.
If you feel any of the symptoms, get a timely diagnosis done followed by correct treatment.
According to Dr Prashant Bhatt, consultant internal medicine, Columbia Asia Hospital, Patiala, this season may witness a rise of 15-20 per cent of new asthmatic cases. He also said that the current food habits of people are loaded with preservatives and the ongoing examination season is developing stress especially among children. According to him these two things are triggering the problem. Although difficult, it is not impossible. Be optimistic to overcome the danger with a combined effort of right and timely diagnosis, medication, natural home remedies and a healthy lifestyle.