The need for seed
The delightful mission of the “mango guthli man” as he has fondly been referred to, needed to be emulated.
About 350 saplings of divine tulsi plant have already been booked for delivery as lockdown is the main challenge to get plants on your own.
(Representational Image: iStock)
Lord Krishna helps the world in a crisis, and this is true for this time as well. This is why ISKCON Dwarka is encouraging people to be proactive in mitigating the oxygen crisis by picking up implements and planting oxygen-friendly trees themselves, this World Environment Day. Further, as a part of the drive, each family is being encouraged to plant at least one sapling for each member.
The entire month of June 2021 is being considered as the World Environment Month, by 1,25,000 benevolent members of the ISKCON Dwarka family. This is how the Dwarka centre plans to lead the oxygen revolution, and plant as many as one-lakh-twenty five thousand saplings. These include indigenous varieties of trees such as Holy Tulsi Plant, Neem, Banyan, Peepal, Ashoka, and the Arjuna tree. These are all oxygen giving trees; the banyan for example imparts oxygen day and night.
Young children will also be photographed planting trees as a part of the drive, kids will also be encouraged to plant seeds at their disposal – for instance, mango seeds the fruit of which they would have consumed. Youtube videos shall be made of their activity as an incentive to encourage people to join ISKCON Dwarka in this drive.
About 350 saplings of divine tulsi plant have already been booked for delivery as lockdown is the main challenge to get plants on your own. ISKCON Dwarka will be delivering plants at the doorsteps to senior citizens and pregnant women along with food delivery, they ensure delivery with utmost safety and security following all the COVID19 norms.
“The ongoing crisis with oxygen during the Corona demonstrates that nature has its way back as man is not in harmony with nature. At ISKCON Dwarka we believe in being proactive in any crisis. Our devotees are real foot soldiers who will take on the onus of ensuring life, and oxygen giving trees are plentiful for future generations. Our tree-planting drive is an endeavour in this direction,” remarks Ankit Jain.