ISKCON Gaura Purnima festival
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Mayapur will be holding its annual Gaura Purnima Festival at its spiritual world headquarters at Sridham Mayapur.
While devotes of the popular Hindu god have been known to undertake many kinds of activities to win the favour of their cherished deity, this is perhaps the first time that creative talent has been directed towards reinterpreting the costume of a god from the Hindu pantheon, with its trademark colours and innovative new patterns.
In a first for ISKCON Dwarka devotees across the country, budding designers of students of the Pearl Academy enrolled in 11 months professional courses for Fashion and Design took on the task of creating attractive outfits for the Lord Rukmini Dwarkadhishat ISKCON in Dwarka.
While devotes of the popular Hindu god have been known to undertake many kinds of activities to win the favour of their cherished deity, this is perhaps the first time that creative talent has been directed towards reinterpreting the costume of a god from the Hindu pantheon, with its trademark colours and innovative new patterns.
This “Dress-up Krishna” competition found many takers, a hand-full of who qualified for the three-winning spots. The competition was conducted in two stages with draft sketches being submitted to the judges’ panel. The panel comprised of both Pearl Academy faculty members, as well as representatives from ISKON Dwarka.
From 30 winners there were three super winners. Most Innovative Design title went to Jignasha Prajapati for sensitive contemporisation, newness in fashion details and amalgamation of materials. Tai Sheela and Kajal Lalwani won in the remaining two categories, namely, Best Use of Traditional Skills and Best Design Award respectively.
The Karthik month is one of the most pious and sacred months among all the lunar months. This auspicious month holds immense importance as it is dedicated to worship of Shri Shri Radha and Krishna.