It has been happening for generations now, every time, every step that we have taken forward for the advancement of mankind, we have found ourselves taking cues from our ancestors. How to be sustainable? And why is it important?
Our ancestors had lived a life of simplicity and sustainability. Curated and had developed everything while respecting the environment. Ever noticed, the kind of houses they had lived in, the material of clothes they used to wear, the clay utensils, from their cooking ways to their furniture and their means of travels, everything fell under the natural way of living. They have never depleted or abused nature or even man-made resources, the way we have been doing ever since we have taken a turn towards modernism.
From single-use plastic cans and bottles to the use of oils and gases, electricity production, moving on from 4G to 5G, pharmaceuticals, harmful chemicals being used in the production of clothes and even cosmetics, rising use of non-biodegradable building materials – we have been harming nature and animals in every way possible as we have been getting technologically and scientifically advanced and ultra-modern.
Be it air, water, land, Ozon, ocean, animals, forests, mountains, humans have been only depleting resources or polluting without preserving or giving anything back to mother nature. Today, we have heaps of garbage everywhere, that every now and then gets in the ways for us to move forward and collective consciousness.
However, if you have noticed, there is a shift, at least a little shift in the consciousness of few people. After facing the repercussions, some of us are aware of every single thing that we are buying and waste that we are producing on a daily basis. Most of us have already moved towards organic lifestyles.
Those who are aware, understand the value of being sustainable today. If in the present moment also we won’t understand the meaning of being sustainable, then tomorrow will be too late.
There are, yes, very few people, who are bringing innovation and turning towards a way of life, which is the amalgamation of the two- being creatively eco-friendly and yet driving innovation and modernity while keeping everything stylish. Nature has given us everything to live a life of sustainability, we have art, we have raw materials, we have craftsmen, we have everything that we need to be eco-friendly. All we need is a little creativity and innovation. And above all, we need to evolve and choose something which is better for us and everything around us in every aspect.
After seeing the spike in global warming, carbon emission, rising pollution of all kinds, growing population, sustainability is the need of the hour. It must be futuristic and considered as the new “cool”. The Z generation understands the importance of sustainability in today’s time very well. Those who are educated and aware of how we are harming our own planet, want to choose better. All they are looking towards is the availability of it.
We can bring sustainability in every area of our life, without compromising on our ultra-modern lifestyles, all we have to do is make a better choice. By bridging social science with civic engineering and environmental science with the technology of the future, we can create a sustainable world.
For example, instead of buying single-use- plastic bottles or even normal plastic that we use for the storage of water to carry or at home, we can opt for metal, clay, or glass water bottles. They are eco-friendly, of course, however, they have multiple health benefits as well. It’s just one example that can bring a huge change if every individual likes to follow.
In place of buying synthetic materials, in terms of clothing, that may take years to degrade, we can opt for cotton or environmentally friendly materials. Instead of going larger than life in terms of luxurious comforts, we can opt for minimalism. There are many organizations that are making advancements in such fields and making things available, such as the choices that keep the natural environment, human and ecological health while driving innovation and not compromising our way of life.