

Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for May 26

Let’s know what astrology and the planets have in store for people born under different sun signs. Astrology reveals the effect of planets today.

Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for May 26

(Representational Image; Source: iStock)

Let’s know what astrology and the planets have in store for people born under different sun signs. Astrology reveals the effect of planets today.



Your polite behaviour will be appreciated. Many people will shower verbal praise on you. Your unrealistic planning will lead to a paucity of funds. A letter by post brings happy news for the entire family. One-sided infatuation will prove disastrous today. You will be in a position to put together major land deals and coordinate many people in entertainment projects. The natives of this zodiac sign can try to find a reliable solution to a problem today in their free time. Your spouse might get a little bit hurt from knowing a secret from your past today.



Divert your thought and energy to what you wish to see in physical reality. There is no point in imaging only. The problem so far with you is that you don’t try but only wish. Today, you can take some important decisions to strengthen your business, for which someone close to you can help financially. By overcoming differences with family members- you will easily accomplish your goals. Lovers will excessively be considerate of family feelings. Business contacts that you have developed recently will benefit you in the long run. In today’s busy lifestyle, it gets difficult to find time for yourself. But today is your lucky day, as you will have plenty of time for yourself. Today, you will get to spend the best evening of your life with your spouse.


The needs of others will interfere with your desire to take care of yourself- Don’t hold your feelings and do things that you like in order to relax. Together with your spouse, you can discuss finances and plan your wealth for your future. Friends will brighten up your day as they plan out something exciting for the evening. Love will show positive vibes Enroll yourself in short-term programs that will help you learn the latest technologies and skills. Amidst your busy life, you will take out time to spend with your children. Spending time with them will make you realize the things you are missing on. Your spouse will remind you of the time of your teenage today along with some notorious stuff.


You have to control the way you feel. Investment in antiques and jewelry will bring gains and prosperity. Get everybody to your big party-You’ll have that extra bit of energy today which will make you organize events for your group. Your partner thinks well of you, which is why s/he gets angry at you at times. Instead of responding back, it would be better to understand their words and where they are coming from. Do not enter into any joint venture- as partners will try to take advantage of you. Good news most likely from a distant place expected by late evening. Your days’ planning might get disturbed due to your spouse’s urgent work, but at last, you will realize that it happened for good.


Physical guidance by a friend will encourage you to improve your health. Monetary gains will be from one on one sources. Your ability to impress others will bring rewards. Your sweetheart will turn out to be an angel for you today if you shared some love. If you have an issue, face it head-on; Hesitating or ignoring it won’t solve the issue. Instead of that, look for the antidote to the problem. Volunteering work that you do today will help not only those you assist but will help you look at yourself more positively. Things look really fabulous when it comes to your marital life.


Start meditation and yoga for physical gain, especially mental toughness. People who had invested somewhere are likely to suffer a financial loss today. Small children keep you busy and bring you joy. Your love story can take a new turn today, in which your partner can discuss the prospect of marriage with you. In this case, you must consider every aspect before taking any decision. The day looks very smooth in the context of work. Amidst your busy life, you will take out time to spend with your children. Spending time with them will make you realize the things you are missing on. Lack of support from your better half in a tough time will lead you to disappointment.


Avoid overeating and visit a health club regularly to stay fit. Visiting the house of close relatives can add to your financial troubles. Your knowledge and good humour would impress people around you. Good day for romance. Your partner will be hard to deal with. You would like to spend your time with people close to your heart, but won’t be able to do so. The bad health of a child or any elder citizen at your place might give you tensions which will directly affect your married life.


Spend some time with close friends in order to relax. A sudden inflow of funds takes care of your bills and immediate expenses. You could be upset because of the prevailing conditions at home. Little chance to escape from the Cupid’s arrow. Your boss might praise your work today. You will love walking under the clear sky and breathing clean air in your free time today. You will remain mentally calm, which will benefit you throughout the day. Your spouse looks quite romantic today.


Don’t self-medicate as chances of drug dependency may increase. Due to the placement of the Moon, your money can be spent on unnecessary things. If you wish to accumulate wealth, then talk to your spouse or parents about it. Try not to say the wrong things at the wrong time-Be careful not to hurt the ones you love. Sex appeal gives desired results Avoid committing yourself to any new joint venture- and seek the advice of people close to you if necessary. Excellent day for social as well as religious functions. If you were craving the love of your spouse, the day will bless you.


Pressure from seniors at the workplace and discord at home might bring some stress- which would disturb your concentration at work. The court will make decisions in your favour today if you were involved in a case regarding money-related matters. It will benefit you financially. People close might take undue advantage of you- if you behave extra generous. Problems could arise at home- but avoid criticizing your mate over small issues. A day of careful moves- so doesn’t present your ideas until you are sure they won’t fail. Your communication techniques and working skills will be impressive. Your spouse might get too busy with his/her friends today, which might upset you.


Start meditation and yoga for physical gain, especially mental toughness. Planetary placement doesn’t seem favourable for you today in regard to money matters. Hence, keep your money safe. A family get-together will see you occupy the center stage. Love life brings hope It is a favorable day, utilize the best of it at work. Today people will pass compliments-which you have always wanted to hear. You must be knowing the health benefits of hugs. You will get enough today from your spouse.


Today you will have ample time to do things to improve your health and looks You are most likely to attain financial profits today at night because any money lent before will come back instantly. Your thirst for knowledge will help you make new friends. Today your beloved would find it extremely difficult to deal with your erratic behaviour. If you are considering a new business partnership- then it would be essential to get all the facts in hand before you make any commitment. You can find an old item lying in the house today, which can remind you of your childhood days and make you nostalgic. You will spend a relaxed day with your spouse.
