Jharkhand unveils ambitious plans for education, science and innovation
The Jharkhand government has unveiled ambitious projects aimed at propelling the state into a new era of education, science, and innovation.
(Photo: Getty Images)
Education is the single most important factor in breaking the cycle of poverty. By receiving a quality education, children are empowered to reach their full potential and become healthy, happy, income-producing adults. According to the World Bank, eight million children in India between 6- 14 years were out of school in 2009.
That same year, the Indian government took a historic step and passed the landmark ‘Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act’.
For the first time in India’s history, every child in the country was guaranteed a free, quality elementary education.
The law focuses on keeping the education child-friendly and child-centered, promoting the holistic development of each child. The passage of this law was an important first step in the right direction, toward the goal of every Indian child receiving a quality education, securing a good job, and becoming an independent, thriving global citizen.
The Right to Education for Children without Parents: Miracle Foundation brings life-changing care to orphans across India. Helping people help themselves is the most sustainable way to affect real change. The organisation gives purposeful employment to local people in need of work and train existing children’s homes on how to provide better quality of care to children without parents.
Inspired by the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, this organisation created the 12 Rights of a Child, focusing specifically on the rights of children without parents One of the 12 Rights of a Child is the Right to Education.
To ensure each child receives a quality education, it work with children’s homes to provide school uniforms and supplies, supplemental tutors and enrichment programs, aptitude testing and career counselling, and access to higher education and vocational training in addition to guide how to maintain active communication with teachers and train caregivers on how to track each child’s grades and progress in school.
Societal Benefits of Education: Educating orphans benefits not only the children themselves, but the communities in which they live. Children who receive a quality education are less likely to engage in crime or require social support from the government-minimising societal costs.
This effect is magnified by the contributions of these children once they grow into well-educated adults: Orphans receiving a quality education get better jobs, earn more, pay more in taxes, and contribute to companies driving economic growth. This effect is generational, as individuals with more years of education are more likely to ensure their children receive a quality education as well.
Education is important to equip children with the skills needed to get a good job and become independent adults. But a quality education does so much more: A quality education forms children’s personalities, teaches them the importance of becoming an active and responsible citizen, and hones the communication and interpersonal skills needed to be a contributing member of society.
Kids are the future of India-let’s make sure we’re investing in them now!
(Founder of Miracle Foundation)