In an interaction with The Statesman, ahead of “The Statesman and VCCI Vintage and Classic Car Display” to be held on 6 March, Kamal Ranjitsingh Shahani, a resident of South Delhi, said Covid-19 had its impact not only on human beings but also on vintage cars.
Shahani, shortly turning seventy-four is a collector and restorer of mostly American automobiles. Born in Delhi. he learnt to drive at the early age of thirteen under the keen supervision of the family driver named John. He grew up playing hide and seek in them and in the bargain grew fond of them.
Two of his cars, a 1936 Plymouth Sedan and a Packard Deluxe Clipper of 1947 will be showcased at the Statesman House on Sunday.
The Packard is an all-original car and two years ago it won the international FIVA award under the Preservation class category after being judged by the best in the industry. Having lived abroad for almost two decades the family cars were sold off but in 1984 Kamal flew in by a Lufthansa flight with a Volkswagen Beetle.
Thereafter, he bought his first Ford model ‘B’ of 1932 vintage. Soon after that cars were picked up whenever a good bargain was struck and today he has nearly a dozen in his garage. He likes to do the mechanical jobs himself assisted by some renowned mechanics or ‘Mistry Ji’ as he prefers to address them. Once the mechanicals are good, denting and painting jobs are given to none other than the best in the industry.
The VW Beetle, he claims, was painted some 20 years ago but still looks as though it was ‘baked’ and painted a week back! “The Covid had its effect not only on humans where it took a heavy toll but on the cars as well,” he said. For almost 20 months they were not aired and brought out on the roads. He is thankful to the organisers of the Statesman Vintage car show and is looking forward to catching up with old buddies and seeing what’s new in the stables of his brethren.”