The Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in India (TECC) recently celebrated Taiwan’s 106th National Day, with around 250 guests in attendance. Ambassador Chung-Kwang Tien, TECC Representative, made the opening remarks, reiterating Taiwan’s commitment to strengthen its relationship with India under the New Southbound Policy.
He said, “Under the leadership of President Tsai ng-wen, who took office in May 2016, Taiwan has developed five flagship projects, from industrial supply chains to youth exchange platforms to regional agricultural cooperation, along with the three potentialladen fields namely e-commerce, infrastructure and tourism, for enhanced collaboration with India.
Taiwan and India also share the universal values of peace, freedom and human rights, and should, therefore, work hand-inhand to promote regional peace and stability, tackle trans-national crimes, take actions against climate change and achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) together.” Chen Wen-Tung from Taiwan’s National Pingtung University of Science and Technology was the executive chef-in-charge of the Taiwanese cuisine at the evening. Six classic dishes from Taiwan, along with the famous Taiwan Beer, were served.
The celebration was followed by a 11-minute video titled Dynamic Taiwan, Embracing the World, featuring the government’s steadfast diplomacy, and the energy, diversity and inclusiveness of the Taiwanese populace. A tourismpromotion video was also screened, in addition to a photo collection made byTECC, which showcase the activities organised under the umbrella of TaiwanIndia bilateral relations, over the past year.
A drawing competition was held towards the end of the celebration. Lucky guests won exciting prizes including a portable photo printer, a pocket-size projector, an Acer laptop-cum-tablet, and business class tickets, from Delhi to Taipei, courtesy China Airlines (Taiwan).