PM Modi to interact with Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar awardees today
This year, 11 children from across the country, under different categories of Bal Shakti Puraskar, have been selected for PMRBP-2023.
And as it is well said “There is no age for learning”, artist Prasanna Narayanan followed the same policy in her life.
Prasanna Narayanan
Life never gives the same chance to everyone to live and fulfil their dreams. But this does not mean that you give up on your dreams. And as it is well said “There is no age for learning”, artist Prasanna Narayanan followed the same policy in her life. Discussing the importance of art in society and how every housewife and woman should take up her dream, Narayanan also shared how her confidence and strong determination helped her to bloom. Excerpts:
A: Born next to a riverside and mountains in Palakkad, Kerala, I was always fascinated by nature and art. But due to no facilities for learning art during school, I could not pursue art. Later after getting married and moving to Delhi, I worked in various administration roles in prominent organizations like Business Standard, Hyatt Regency, and United Nations. And when both my daughters married and settled, I quit my job at United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to pursue my dream of becoming an artist at age 52. I completed my Diploma in Fine Arts from the Delhi Collage of Arts. So like this I started my journey by leaving all fear and hesitation at back (laughing).
A: Yes! I have made several paintings that give a social message. I made a painting related to saving the girl child which is very beautiful and meaning full too.
A: I started with expertise in making portraits using charcoal, pencil, oil, and watercolour as mediums and I am still continuing it.
A: I love to do painting at any time, especially when I am sitting alone and relaxed.
A: The moment I sit with page and brush, I feel I am the happiest person. I forget everything and feel like a free bird. Painting gives me a feeling of internal peace and happiness that nothing else gives me. I don’t look for where I m sitting or what’s the location, I just start painting.
A: (laughing) I think the biggest achievement of my life till now is drawing our honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi. That was my best experience and he also got very happy after looking at the painting. It was my first portrait which I made with charcoal and it took me three weeks. So ya that’s the best experience till now.
A: Art is very important for society and also for inner peace. Whenever you are sad or stressed, just pick up your colour palette and start painting. It will 100 per cent make you feel relaxed and stress-free. Your mind will become calm and cool. Especially in this hard time of the pandemic, Art is like a game-changer for people who are stressed or depressed. So, Art is key to every problem in ones’ life.
A: I think you should never give up on your dreams and there is no age for pursuing your dreams. So all the youth and housewives out there, I would say only one thing whenever you get time just excel in your dream. Never hesitate that how will you do now, what society will say, people, will laugh. Just go on and bloom because there is no age for blooming. If I can do it at 52 then I think everyone can do it (laughing).