Garden of Eden
Visiting a society where a unique genetic heterogeneity of plants reside, each with its own features, that include flowers, crops, trees,…
In this event, participants from Lucknow, Moradabad, Ambala, Firozpur, Delhi Divisions & Construction Department exhibited beautiful plants and flowers.
Beautiful flowering plants like Salvia, Clarkia, Viola, Sundaria and many more were exhibited during the event. (SNS)
Today, 66th Inter Divisional Flower Show was organized at Sarojini Nagar Nursery, New Delhi. The Flower Show was inaugurated by Shikha Gangal, President, NRWWO.
In this event, participants from Lucknow, Moradabad, Ambala, Firozpur, Delhi Divisions & Construction Department exhibited beautiful plants and flowers. Ashutosh Gangal, GM Northern Railway along with SC Jain DRM Delhi, Senior Officers from Northern Railway Headquarters and Officers of the participating Divisions were present.
Beautiful flowering plants like Salvia, Clarkia, Viola, Sundaria and many more were exhibited during the event. Delhi Division was declared the winner by the judges.
Ashutosh Gangal, General Manager, Northern Railway said that the show will promote a sense of competitiveness in the horticultural activities amongst Railwaymen and their families. He further said that the Horticulture department is considered to be the centroid for environment protection and betterment. We all together should give our best to improve our environment.