NGT clamps fresh ban on sand mining in Odisha’s Mayurbhanj district
The existing interim DSR, which was being used to justify sand mining, was invalid as it had not been submitted to SEIAA for approval, the NGT reiterated in the order.
The high-level committee constituted by NGT for rejuvenation of Yamuna has chalked out a six month action plan till June 2023, with monthly targets, and the same will be monitored on weekly basis.
The high-level committee constituted by NGT for rejuvenation of Yamuna has chalked out a six month action plan till June 2023, with monthly targets, and the same will be monitored on weekly basis.
The first report of the committee will be submitted to the NGT on January 31.
On Friday, Delhi Lt. Governor V.K. Saxena chaired the first meeting of the panel.
The meeting was attended by senior officers of the stakeholder departments from the Centre and the Delhi government.
After taking stock of the prevalent situation of water quality in river Yamuna and the various drains in the city, along with the status of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) and Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) in the city and dwelling upon the gaps in the actions taken till now, the meeting deliberated upon a concrete future plan of action.
The committee stressed on time bound actions on “right parameters” that includes enhancement of Sewage Treatment Capacity in Delhi and the augmentation of STPs, tapping of drains and treatment of sewage in 44 sub-drains, extension of sewage network in all the 1,799 unauthorised colonies, upgradation of 13 CETPs for treatment, management of industrial effluent, and ensuring minimum environmental flow (e-flow) in the Yamuna by the means of inter-state coordination, amongst others.
Addressing the officials, the Lt. Governor described the task at hand to be difficult due to legacy neglect, but yet achievable. Saxena also exhorted officials to ensure implementation of the decisions taken during the meeting in a mission mode, without extending committed timelines. Any shortcoming on part of officials will not be accepted, he added.