On completion of 20 years of the film, Satya, director Ram Gopal Varma shared the truth behind its success. Sharing what went behind the film, RGV addressed it as an accident. The director took to Twitter on Monday and wrote, “Tomorrow is the 20th birthday of Satya. It was an accident.”
With an insight into the film, he posted a lengthy post detailing the thoughts and experiences that led to the film. “On the eve of ‘Satya’ completing 20 years, I looked back upon it and a ray of sunshine fell across my various fond memories of it and I started remembering the origins of its various aspects,” Varma wrote.
RGV continued with it as he mentioned that all the ‘faults’ in the film were his. “I am not trying to be modest when I say that its faults are solely mine and all its merits genuinely belong to others. I just swam blindly through the wonderful current of energies… and somehow accidentally managed to reach the shore of success… This is the actual truth of Satya.”
The idea was fuelled when he saw a newspaper with some arrested gangsters’ photographs. “Seeing their thin hands and mostly lean frames, nothing about them looked like how Bollywood portrays the bad guys. They are like any other ordinary people. The guy walking on the road could be a gangster. Even the guy living next door could be a gangster. The whole point of it is that they have to mix up in the society and look like anybody else so as to operate in secrecy,” deduced Varma. Check out the post here:
Satya, since its release on July 3, 1998, has garnered a cult status as a gangster drama for its realistic depiction of the Indian underworld. It was co-written by Saurabh Shukla and Anurag Kashyap, and starring JD Chakravarthy, Urmila Matondkar, Manoj Bajpayee, Shefali Shah and Saurabh Shukla among others.