Prabhas, the Telugu superstar, frequently makes news about his personal life due to link-up rumors with Anushka Shetty and Kriti Sanon. The actor’s aunt, Shyamala Devi, has now revealed Baahubali’s wedding arrangements. “The blessings of Durgamma are upon us. We are all in the good hands of the Almighty. Prabhas’s marriage will undoubtedly take place, and it will do so shortly. He is marrying soon. We’ll invite everyone (the media) to the wedding and celebrate it, Shyamala Devi reportedly stated, according to media reports.
Prabhas, in the meantime, has chosen the place of his wedding. Prior to the release of Adipurush this year, the Telugu actor—who was allegedly dating Kriti Sanon—spoke of his ambitions to get married. Inquiries concerning Prabhas’s upcoming wedding were made during an Adipurush advertising event. “I shall get married in Tirupathi”, the star allegedly declared. Fans erupted in joy after the news. Prabhas joked back, but he didn’t say when or with whom he intended to get married.
Prabhas is getting ready for Salaar’s release in terms of his work. At the box office, Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki and his much-anticipated film will compete. Recently, Hombale Films said that Salaar will open in theaters on December 22. Using a brand-new Prabhas movie poster, the directors made the announcement. The Vaccine War, starring Vivek Agnihotri, was set to open on September 28 and compete with Salaar at the box office. But because post-production work was still outstanding, the movie was eventually rescheduled until December of this year. Prashanth Neel is the director of Salaar, alongside Meenakshi Chaudhary, Shruti Haasan, and Prithviraj Sukumaran. Hombale Films, the group behind Kantara and KGF, is producing the movie.