Actress Anushka Sharma and India skipper Virat Kohli are undoubtedly India’s favourite couple. After keeping their relationship private, the duo tied the knot on December 2017 in a secret ceremony that took place in Tuscany. The celebrity couple now freely indulges in social media display of affection, giving fans an insight into their extraordinary romance.
Kohli has now shared a new picture of himself showcasing his love for his wife Anushka.
Kolhi took to Instagram on Monday to share a picture of himself wearing a white t-shirt and flaunting it with the actress’s initials. He posted the picture showing him lost in deep thought and captioned it, “Caught in the moment. Pic credit @anushkasharma (sic).”
In turn, Anushka acknowledged the post with a heart emoji in the comments section. The player is seen dressed in a white tee with the letter “A” in red and a heart on it.
The couple was recently spotted in Delhi attending an event where the Feroz Shah Kotla Stadium was rechristened after late Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and a special stand was dedicated to Kohli.