Known for his performance in Gully Boy and Pink, actor Vijay Varma continues to remain in top form even in his new stint. Acing the part of a 90’s college student from Allahabad, Vijay is doing his best to add nuances to the character he plays in Hurdang. The actor who is currently shooting in Prayagraj feels the thrill of working on a film that is set in the 90’s. Though, Hurdang isn’t a classic period film but the fact that it’s set in the 90’s requires major prep from him, a challenge he has taken up well enough. From understanding the social scenario of the era to its very politics, the actor has undergone a makeover to get his role right.
The actor says, “We arrived at the final look after many trials. We wanted to get the milieu right and took references from many real life personal pictures from late 80s which the team had gathered for mood boarding. Sheetal Sharma is the designer on this film and we worked closely over many trials to get the vibe of Loha Singh right. Power and leadership are his main trials and we made sure it reflects in the styling. The script has a lot of answers in explaining the political scenarios of the 1990 and what was the general sense of response by these characters to the times they were living in. Discussions and looking up on history helped in making it more nuanced instead of settling for a uni-dimensional approach to the period.”
Hurdang is a love story featuring Sunny Kaushal and Nushrat Bharucha in the lead. Nikhil Nagesh Bhatt is directing the film while Karma Media and Entertainment is producing it.