Andrew & Tristan Tate leave Romania for US amid trafficking case
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Patrick Stewart (Photo Credits: Facebook)
Veteran actor Patrick Stewart, who has been a part of Hollywood for six decades, finds it “remarkable” that celebrities are standing up against sexual misconduct. However, he says young talent has been victimised and controlled since forever.
In the wake of allegations of sexual harassment and abuse emerging against the big bosses of the media and entertainment industry in Hollywood, the X-Men and Star Trek star says it has been a “shocking and yet remarkable experience” for him, reports
“I applaud the courage of these women and men who have come forward with stories of abuse and harassment,” said Stewart.
“How has this gone on for so long? I remember I was just 17 and in my first year of drama school and I already knew what the term ‘casting couch’ meant. Now how did I know that? Victimising and controlling and stigmatising young actresses and actors has been standard for decades. I’ve never been involved in anything as a victim or as an antagonist, but one was aware that bad things were generally happening from time to time.
“Yet there was an atmosphere of insecurity and fear and an unwillingness by people to deal with it properly. Now thanks to the courage of women and men who are coming forward almost daily, we can change things,” Stewart added.