Bollywood star Vicky Kaushal, who is receiving a positive response to his recently released film ‘Sam Bahadur’, graced the latest episode of the streaming chat show ‘Koffee With Karan’ with his ‘Lust Stories’ co-star Kiara Advani. During the episode, Vicky revealed that his wife, actress Katrina Kaif is “the perfect candidate for reverse psychology”.
During the ‘Koffee Shots’ round, the show host Karan Johar, asked the guests if they have cracked the code to get their spouses to do what they want.
While Kiara didn’t have an answer to this, Vicky spilled the beans about how consensus is reached in the Kaushal house.
Talking about the same, Vicky said, “Katrina is a perfect candidate for reverse psychology. If I want her to agree on something, I have to wholeheartedly, with abundance agree to what she wants. And then she turns around and says, ‘BTW I see the point in what you’re saying’, and then she comes around”.
Vicky also shared his experience of working with Bollywood megastar Shah Rukh Khan. Vicky said, “I’ll share an incident, one of the shoot dates, he had to rush to Delhi for some very important work and it couldn’t have happened at another time or another day and it was a very critical kind of a moment in the film for my character which was with him and he just couldn’t be there for that shot and I had to give that shot with a body double and he had to rush”.
The ‘Uri’ actor continued, “After he got done with his work which was like insanely important in Delhi, late in the night, he had called which I missed because there was an event and then he messaged me. A long message saying, ‘Vicky, wo shot hum dobaara karenge. I am really sorry I missed that, I couldn’t be there to give just the cues, I couldn’t be there, We’ll do that shot again’. I had to call him and convince him ki nahi Raju sir is happy and it went okay and there is no need and pata nahi mujhse waapis hoga ki bhi nahi but I was nervous, But he was like, no, we will do it again, I am feeling terrible that I couldn’t be there”.
‘Koffee with Karan’ season 8 streams on Disney+ Hotstar.