Bollywood actor Uday Chopra decided to use the social media platform Twitter to advocate the legalisation of marijuana in India. On 13 September, the Dhoom actor took to Twitter and said that India should legalise marijuana since it has medical benefits and can be a huge source of revenue.
Chopra’s view caught the attention of none other than Mumbai Police, who, two days later, responded to the actor’s tweet and it was not a pleasant one.
To school the actor they wrote, “Sir, as citizen of India, you are privileged to express your view on a public platform. Be mindful, as of now, consumption, possession and transportation of marijuana, invites harsh punishment as per provisions of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985. Spread the Word.”
Tweeple found Mumbai Police’s take on Chopra’s tweet quite amusing and within no time the actor was bombarded with varying responses, the most striking being the Dhoom factor.
Check out how people reacted:
Here’s exactly what Uday Chopra tweeted on Thursday. “I feel India should legalize marijuana. Firstly, It’s part of our culture. Secondly, I think if legalized and taxed it can be a huge revenue source. Not to mention it will remove the criminal element associated with it. Plus and most importantly it has a lot of medical benefits!” the tweet read.
The follow-up post read, “And no I do not use it. I just really think it’s a wise move, given our history with the plant.”
Uday Chopra made his debut with Mohabbatein in 2000 alongside Shah Rukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan for which he won the Filmfare for the Best Male Debut. He was last seen in Dhoom 2 that was released in 2006.