Actress Tisha Kapoor, seen as Kaavya in “Ayushman Bhav”, is happy to work with experienced actors like Sudha Chandran, Savita Prabhune and Manish Goel.
“I learn from them so much. No acting school could have taught me what I get to learn from them in person. Having spent so much time in the industry, I am still spellbound by their professionalism,” Tisha said in a statement.
“I look at their shots closely and try to improvise mine with their guidance and support. Each day on the set is a learning experience for me. I consider myself lucky to be part of the ‘Ayushman Bhav’ team,” she added.
The show is aired on Star Bharat.
READ ALSO: ‘Ayushaman Bhava’ has engrossing storyline: Sudha Chandran