Actor Anirban Bhattacharya who was lauded for his directorial debut ‘Mandaar’, an enthralling web series, is all set to try his hands in a feature film titled ‘Ballabhpurer Roopkotha.’
To be released under the banner of SVF, the film is based on Badal Sarkar’s very popular drama piece ‘Ballabhpurer Roopkotha.’ On Thursday, SVF and director Anirban Bhattacharya unveiled the first look poster of their much-awaited horror-satire film giving a sneak peek into the thread of Ballabpurer Roopkotha.
The plot follows an almost crumbling ancestral Rajbari of Ballabhpur where lives the last descendant of the dynasty. There emerges an aesthetically pleasing red rose flower adding a gothic yet gorgeous element to the venue nurturing the suspense. The first look poster depicts the crux of the film.
The makers haven’t made any announcement regarding the cast of the film to keep the surprise intact. Ballabhpurer Roopkotha is slated to release during Kali Puja 2022.