‘Vikings’ to go to Russia for sixth season
The fifth season of Vikings will debut in November, but the historical drama television series has already got a green signal…
Katheryn Winnick (Photo Credits: Instagram)
Actress Katheryn Winnick is excited about making her directorial debut with the sixth season of Vikings.
The actress will be directing one episode of the TV series, which takes the audience to the world of the Vikings.
“It is very exciting. This will be my directorial debut,” Winnick said in a statement.
“I am directing one episode. It’s a huge responsibility,” she added.
How are you preparing for it?
She said: “I’ve been preparing for about a year. Being on set every day, I am learning from and working with the crew, the incredible talent, and with various heads of departments. Having been on the show as an actor for so long, I have had a chance to observe all on a more intimate level and that has helped
prepare me for directing.
“I started learning about how things work behind the scenes and I shadowed Canadian director, Helen Shaver, who comes back every year. She is an award-winning female director who is fantastic and I learned a great deal from her.”
Winnick says she flew to Canada and spent time in the editing room as well.
“It was such a valuable experience — to see all of our rushes and dailies actually manifest into a cut version of an episode. I am very excited to now have the opportunity to direct. It will allow me to contribute to the show in a different way,” she added.
The show is aired in India on AXN.