Little munchkin Nawab Taimur’s latest picture from his birthday bash will drive away your mid-week blues. Although, it has been over a month since Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor celebrated their son Taimur’s first birthday at Pataudi palace, the new photo shared by his uncle, Karan Kapoor, on Instagram will met your heart this winter season.
Be it riding a pony, donning a kurta, wearing sunglasses or simply smiling and looking like a mushy marshmallow Taimur steals the show at every stage.
In the photo, the adorable chote nawab can be seen playing with his dad Saif. Dressed for the occasion, Taimur wearing a white shirt is enjoying playing with daddy dear, while Saif is enjoying watching his antics.
Taimur was born on 20 December, 2016, and since then has won hearts all over with his antics be it his birthday bash, playtime at parks, or vacations.