In a rather amusing turn of events, food delivery service Swiggy ended up delivering food to Shah Rukh Khan’s residence, Mannat, in Mumbai. However, what makes this incident special is that the food was not actually ordered by the actor himself. It all began during a fun-filled AskSRK session on Twitter when a concerned fan asked if SRK had eaten his meal.
Shah Rukh Khan, known for his witty responses, cheekily replied, “Are you from Swiggy brother…can you send?” This humorous exchange caught the attention of the internet, and Swiggy’s official Twitter handle joined in on the fun by responding, “We are from Swiggy, shall we send?”
True to their word, Swiggy took it a step further and arranged for a group of delivery executives to personally deliver food to SRK’s residence. A photo shared on Swiggy’s Twitter handle captured the moment, showing the delivery executives standing outside Mannat with the caption, “We are from Swiggy, and we have brought dinner.”
The unexpected delivery created quite a buzz on social media, with fans enjoying the playful interaction between Shah Rukh Khan and Swiggy. It highlights the power of social media in connecting celebrities and brands in unexpected ways, resulting in delightful moments that entertain fans across the globe.