Ever since choreographer Saroj Khan’s bizarre statement on casting couch in Bollywood, every celeb has to face a question regarding it. At the trailer launch of Veere Di Wedding on Wednesday, Kareena, Sonam and Swara were asked to comment on the subject, and they refrained from replying to the question.
Swara Bhaskar, known for speaking on women-centric issues, too, dodged this question. She said, “Firstly, this topic has nothing to do with our film ‘Veere Di Wedding’, and I think today we should keep our focus on the film. For the rest of thing, you please come on my Twitter timeline.”
Backing her up, Kareena Kapoor Khan said, “I do not think we should divert focus from this film. This is a very special film, and we have put a lot of effort. I think the film should get its relevant attention.”
On the other hand, Sonam Kapoor promised to answer questions on the casting couch and women empowerment when she gives personal interviews for the movie.She said, “I would like to say that all these questions which are not related to film, I promise that we will answer them in one-on-one interactions with you people. But not today. We are trying to keep the focus on the film. We will talk about it in our personal time.”
On 24 April, Saroj Khan spoke about casting couch in Bollywood and said that the industry provides a livelihood in exchange, doesn’t abandon.
Meanwhile, the makers of Veere Di Wedding released the first trailer of Veere Di Wedding today. Produced by Rhea Kapoor and Ekta Kapoor, directed by Shashanka Ghosh, the film is releasing on June 1.