Actor Sushant Singh Rajput is about to present his directorial skills in an upcoming film, which is going to be a sci-fi one. The 32-year-old actor has always been curious about space and the universe, and his area of interest has led him to step into the director’s shoes.
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Sushant will be co-producing the film with Varun Mathur, co-founder of his business venture Innsaei. In a statement, Varun said, “Sushant’s passion for the moon and space is second to none in this sphere. He has unparalleled interest to learn more about the universe, and to delve into anything that might help him understand this phenomenon further.”
“Innsaei Ventures is quite keen on making a space film and Sushant will be working on this very soon,” he added.
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Sushant has always been both enthralled and intrigued by space ever since he was first exposed to it as a little boy. Sushant visited NASA last year to train, and the experience according to him was “so overwhelming” that he decided to sponsor two of smart children from Mumbai to visit the US Space and Rocket Research Center. The actor has also acquired a piece of land in a region called the Mare Muscoviense, or the “Sea of Muscovy”.