The dynamic duo Sukriti and Prakriti Kakar, popularly known as SuPra sisters, are back with their latest single “Zid,” which releases today. This enchanting Pop Afrobeat Hindi duet captures the intoxicating emotions of love and longing.
Sukriti expressed her excitement about the release, stating, “We’re thrilled to share ‘Zid’ with our audience. It’s more than just a song; it’s a journey through the highs of love and desire. We aimed to encapsulate the electric connection between two hearts, and ‘Zid’ does exactly that.”
Prakriti added, “With ‘Zid,’ we wanted to create a track that gets people moving while also speaking to the passion and intensity of young love. It’s about embracing the thrill of the chase and giving in to that fiery feeling within. The playful lyrics and groovy beat will resonate with anyone who’s ever felt that magnetic pull of passion.”
“Zid” is composition of the talented duo Bharatt-Saurabh. Nishant Singh penned its lyrics, promising to captivate listeners with its charm. Produced by SuPra in collaboration with Bright Sound Entertainment, the song offers a musical experience that is both captivating and unforgettable. This release marks another milestone in SuPra’s musical journey, showcasing the Kakar sisters’ vision for creative independence and artistic exploration.
SuPra, the brainchild of the Kakar sisters started to showcase their creative independence and musical versatility. Through SuPra, Sukriti and Prakriti create music that is both personal and relatable, reflecting their artistic journey and vision.