Sitara Ghattamaneni, the 12-year-old daughter of superstar Mahesh Babu and former Miss India Namrata Shirodkar, recently shared insights into her aspirations and family life in an interview with iDream Media. Although she’s still unsure about her ultimate career path, Sitara expressed a strong interest in both acting and modelling.
Discussing her family’s influential legacy, Sitara revealed, “It feels really good to be able to carry this legacy forward. I am interested in both acting and modelling, but I am only 12, so I am not sure yet.” Sitara’s admiration for her family’s achievements is evident, and she is taking steps to explore her own potential in the entertainment industry.
Sitara’s modelling journey began last year with a debut campaign for PMJ Jewellery. She fondly recalled her father’s emotional reaction to her first advertisement, saying, “When he first saw my PMJ ad, he was going to cry.” She also noted the influence of her mother’s fashion sense, although she playfully lamented that Namrata didn’t save more of her Miss India wardrobe for her. “It’s great she had such a successful modelling career and won Miss India,” Sitara added.
In addition to her modelling endeavors, Sitara and her brother Gautham Ghattamaneni are both receiving formal training in the arts. Sitara is pursuing her acting training in Hyderabad, while Gautham is studying a comprehensive four-year drama course at New York University.
As she navigates her burgeoning career and follows in her family’s illustrious footsteps, Sitara remains grounded and appreciative of the support from her parents.