In a significant move for the Kannada film industry, actor Sanjjana Galrani met with Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Thursday, advocating for the establishment of a women’s committee within the industry. Galrani’s meeting with the Chief Minister follows a high-profile controversy stemming from the recently released Justice Hema Committee report, which has brought to light serious allegations of sexual harassment in the Malayalam film industry.
During her visit, Sanjjana Galrani presented a formal request to the Chief Minister, urging him to support the creation of a dedicated committee to address and prevent safety issues faced by women in Kannada cinema. Her request underscores a growing demand for greater protection and support for female professionals in the film industry.
The call for reform comes on the heels of the unsettling revelations in the Justice Hema Committee report, which exposed a pattern of sexual harassment and exploitation in the Malayalam film sector. The report, which was made public last month after extensive redactions, details numerous complaints against notable figures, including filmmaker Ranjith and actors Mukesh, Edavela Babu, Baburaj, Jayasurya, and Siddique. These allegations have sparked significant public and media attention.
The 235-page report, prepared by a three-member panel led by a former Kerala High Court judge, was submitted to the Kerala government in December 2019 but was only released to the public recently. It highlights the dominance of a small group of male producers, directors, and actors in the Malayalam film industry, who reportedly control the industry and perpetuate a culture of exploitation.
In response to these findings, the Kerala government has established a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to delve deeper into the reported issues and seek justice for the affected women. The SIT’s formation marks a crucial step towards addressing the systemic problems highlighted in the report.