Actress Revathy Sampath has accused renowned Malayalam actor Siddique of sexual misconduct. At the age of 21, Sampath alleges that Siddique abused her both physically and mentally. Siddique, who serves as the general secretary of AMMA, is the accused in this case.
During a recent media interaction, Sampath shared that Siddique initially reached out to her via Facebook. He addressed her as “Mole,” a term often used in Kerala to refer to a young girl. She recounted a troubling encounter that occurred after she had completed her Plus Two exams. Sampath described how Siddique’s behavior turned disturbing during their professional discussion about a film. She claimed he subjected her to abuse, a stark contrast to the respectful facade he now presents.
Sampath detailed the trauma she endured, stating that the assault had a profound impact on her mental well-being and professional life. She alleged that the lack of support from any system or individuals around her contributed to her suffering. “It felt like everyone was complicit or indifferent to my plight,” she said, reflecting on how the incident seemed to be brushed aside as if it were normal.
Recalling her escape from the situation, Revathy Sampath said she fled in a state of panic, managing to get away in an auto rickshaw. She described feeling helpless at the time, with Siddique reportedly dismissing her concerns and acting as if nothing had happened.
Siddique, a well-known figure in the Malayalam film industry with over 300 film credits and appearances in Tamil cinema, has not yet publicly responded to these allegations. This case has ignited a significant discussion about the need for accountability and support systems for those who experience such trauma in the entertainment industry.