Amidst coronavirus outbreak, when all the shooting schedules have hit a halt, Prabhas and Pooja Hegde’s upcoming flick’s shooting is on. While the actress and the other cast of the film have been continuously sharing updates from the sets in Georgia, there were rumours that were floating on social media since last week. According to rumours, the film’s shooting has been cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak.
Following the reports, director of the film Radha Krisha Kumar cleared the rumours stating that the Georgia schedule was not cancelled, but the cast and crew members worked relentlessly to finish the shooting two days ahead of the actual schedule.
In an interview with an English daily, the director mentioned that the entire unit took necessary precautionary methods in order to prevent the spread of the virus at the time of the shooting. He also revealed that Prabhas’ portions were over and he has already left for Hyderabad.
On Wednesday, Krisha also took to his official Twitter handle to share a picture with Prabhas as the actor is back in Hyderabad after completing his portion of shooting in Georgia.
About the film’s release date, some media reports suggest that the film will hit the big screens on October 16, 2020. Various media reports are also making rounds suggesting that the movie will be titled Jaan, though there has been no official confirmation on this.
Earlier in February, while talking about the film, director Radha Krishna had mentioned that the film will be shot on a lavish scale and major portions of the film will be shot in Europe.
Prabhas 20 lead actor Pooja Hegde had earlier said that she and Prabhas would be attempting some unique, action and musical sequences for the first time for the yet-to-be-titled film.