The viral trend of Fahadh Faasil’s character Ranga performing the ‘Karinkaliyalle’ dance move from the movie “Aavesham” has taken over social media by storm. What started as a local sensation quickly spread like wildfire across the internet, captivating audiences not just in South India but also gaining popularity in the North. It’s a dance craze that knows no bounds, transcending geographical barriers to unite people in a shared moment of joy and entertainment. But amidst all the fun and excitement, the Mumbai Police decided to add a safety twist to the trend.
In a clever move to promote public safety, they shared a modified version of the viral Ranga clip on their social media handle. With a witty caption, “Safety’s not a ‘Fa’d’. Better to stay ‘Fa’faa’ away from avoidable risks!”, they reminded everyone to prioritize safety while enjoying the trend.
The response was overwhelmingly positive, with netizens showering praise on Mumbai Police for their creative take on the reel. Comments poured in, with many expressing delight that Ranga’s charm had reached Mumbai shores. It’s a testament to the power of cinema and social media to bring people together, even in unexpected ways.
“Aavesham”, the movie behind the viral trend, has been making waves since its release on April 11. Directed by Jithu Madhavan, the film follows the adventures of three college students—Bibi, Santhan, and Aju—as they join Ranga’s gang to tackle their intimidating seniors. With Fahadh Faasil leading the pack, supported by a talented cast, the film has garnered critical acclaim for its direction, performances, action sequences, and technical brilliance.
Despite its Malayalam roots, “Aavesham” has transcended language barriers to become a blockbuster hit, grossing over ₹155 crores worldwide. It’s a testament to the universal appeal of good storytelling and compelling characters, proving that great cinema knows no boundaries.
As the ‘Karinkaliyalle’ trend continues to sweep across social media, let’s not forget the safety message embedded within it. In the end, it’s not just about entertaining ourselves but also looking out for each other’s well-being.