In a developing story from Kerala, the Malayalam film industry is facing renewed scrutiny after an aspiring male actor has filed a sexual assault complaint against well-known director Ranjith. The complaint alleges that Ranjith, who had invited the actor to a hotel in Bangalore in 2012 for what was supposed to be an audition, coerced him into stripping and then assaulted him. The actor initially mistook the encounter as part of the audition process but grew alarmed when Ranjith offered him money the following morning. Kerala Police have formally registered the case, and the Special Investigation Team (SIT) will handle it.
This complaint adds to the mounting controversy surrounding Ranjith, who recently resigned as chairman of the Kerala State Chalachithra Academy following similar allegations from Bengali actress Sreelekha Mitra. Mitra’s complaint has also led to a case against Ranjith, with the police investigating under Section 354, which deals with assault.
The timing of these from the male actor allegations is particularly significant as they come shortly after the release of the Justice Hema Committee report. The 235-page report, redacted to protect identities, reveals extensive harassment and exploitation within the Malayalam film industry. It suggests that a small group of influential male figures, including producers, directors, and actors, dominate the industry, wielding significant control over its operations.
In response to these developments, the Kerala government has announced the formation of a special investigation team led by a senior police officer. This move follows recent statements from women in the industry who have bravely shared their experiences of abuse and mistreatment. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan convened a meeting with senior officials to ensure a thorough investigation and address the systemic issues revealed by the report.
As the investigation unfolds, the Malayalam film industry is under intense scrutiny, with many calling for systemic changes to address the power imbalances and ensure a safer environment for all professionals in the industry.