In a recent development in Kerala, the police have registered a second FIR against actor Jayasurya, following allegations made by actress Minu Muneer. This case, registered under sections 354, 354A(A1)(I), and 354D of the Indian Penal Code, was filed in Thiruvananthapuram and will be transferred to the Thodupuzha Police Station for further investigation.
The new FIR comes in the wake of several accusations surfacing from the Malayalam film industry. These allegations emerged prominently after the release of the Hema Committee report, which led many women from the industry to speak out about their experiences of harassment and exploitation. Actress Sonia Malhar recently detailed her own troubling experiences, recounting incidents from her early career.
Malhar, who entered the film industry in 2013, described an unsettling encounter on a film set in Thodupuzha. She recounted being against her will in a makeup and costume room, a situation that left her deeply shaken. She also spoke about subsequent professional setbacks, including delayed payments and replacement in roles, which she believes were consequences of her speaking out.
Feeling compelled to share her story, Malhar expressed disappointment over the industry’s response and the lack of respect for women from outside Kerala.
In another case, the police have also filed an FIR against Mukesh M, a CPI (M) MLA from Kollam, following Minu Muneer’s allegations. Muneer has accused Mukesh, along with Jayasurya, Maniyanpilla Raju, and Idavela Babu, of various forms of misconduct during their professional interactions. Muneer detailed instances of verbal and physical abuse, including an incident where Jayasurya allegedly hugged and kissed her forcefully.
The allegations from Muneer surfaced on her Facebook page, detailing a series of abusive encounters that date back to 2013. These claims have led to significant changes within the Malayalam film industry, including the resignation of prominent figures such as director Ranjith and actor Siddique from the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) amid similar accusations.
Muneer’s allegations have prompted her to leave the Malayalam film industry and relocate to Chennai, highlighting the severity of the issues she faced. The situation continues to unfold as the Special Investigation Team (SIT) looks into these serious claims, aiming to address the broader concerns of harassment within the industry.