South star Vijay Deverakonda has finally kick-started the shooting of his next with director Puri Jagannadh. After his 15-day training session for the role in Bangkok, Vijay has finally started the shooting for the film in Mumbai. The film is tentatively titled Fighter.
On Monday, film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to his official Twitter handle to share the details. He posted a video showing the sets of the film. Alongside he wrote, “IT’S OFFICIAL… Karan Johar and Puri Jagannadh join hands… Their first collaboration – starring #VijayDeverakonda – starts filming in #Mumbai today… Will release in #Hindi and all South Indian languages… Produced by Puri Jagannadh, Charmme Kaur, Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta (Sic).”
Meanwhile, in another tweet, Taran Adarsh posted some pictures of the team. Alongside, he wrote, “Karan Johar – Puri Jagannadh film: #VijayDeverakonda flew to #Thailand to learn mixed martial arts and other fight forms for this role… Costars #RamyaKrishnan and #RonitRoy… The title is not finalized yet. #VD10 #PJ37 #VdPjShootBegins (sic).”
“Deverakonda will be seen in a never seen before avatar. The director has taken special care about the actor’s look in the film. Deverakonda underwent rigorous training and was on strict diet to shape-up his body. He also flew to Thailand to learn mixed martial arts and other fight forms for his role, “reported The Indian Express.
The other details are still under wraps.
Ramya Krishnan, Ronit Roy, Vishu Reddy, Aali and Getup Srinu are the prominent cast of the film presented by Dharma Productions.
Meanwhile, Deverakonda has World Famous Lover up for release on Valentine’s Day. Apart from that, he is presently busy shooting his yet-to-be-titled flick under the direction of Kranthi Madhav. He also has a film titled Hero under the direction of Anand Annamalai, which is being produced by Mythri Movie Makers.