Chaos ensued at Chennai’s Rohini Cinema Theatre during a special screening of the ‘Leo’ movie trailer, featuring actor ‘Thalapathy’ Vijay on October 5, 2023. Fans’ exuberance and disorderly conduct led to vandalism within the theatre.
Following the ‘Leo’ trailer’s release, Thalapathy Vijay’s supporters allegedly went on a rampage at Rohini Theatre. What began as a special screening for Vijay’s ardent fan base culminated in damaged seats and a confetti-strewn room, leaving theatre owners to grapple with the aftermath.
Rohini Silver Screens had generously organized a no-cost screening of ‘Leo’s trailer on Thursday, attracting fans eager to witness the grand reveal on the big screen.
However, the situation took an alarming turn as the event concluded, revealing a scene of chaos and destruction. Industry tracker Manobala Vijayabalan captured the extent of the vandalism through photos and videos from the theatre, highlighting the fervor of Vijay’s devoted followers.
The event’s massive attendance saw fans flocking to the theatre grounds to partake in the festivities. Initially planned as an outdoor event, authorities shifted it indoors after the Koyambedu police declined to provide security. They cited concerns over potential traffic congestion and public safety issues in densely populated areas like Koyambedu.
This incident has ignited discussions about fan behavior, particularly in the context of film promotions and launches. The conduct of Vijay’s fans has come under intense scrutiny, prompting law enforcement to take action. The police have filed a case against those responsible for the chaos.
On Friday, the Madras High Court weighed in. It suggested that police mishandling played a pivotal role in the Rohini Theatre vandalism during the ‘Leo’ trailer screening. Justice G Jayachandran of the Madras High Court opined that the Greater Chennai police bore responsibility for the incident. He proposed that such problems could have been avoided by setting up a screen in the parking lot.